Nuggets of Information
From the Quagmire of My Mind...

Just somewhere to dump pearls of wisdom (and sometimes other stuff) from a old, tired nerd that's been doing DevOps and related things for FAR to long :)

How to write better (User) Stories - Agile Development

User stories, technical debt and requirements - oh my! If you’ve ever followed some sort of ‘agile’ process, you’ve likely heard of ‘stories’, where you break down the work that you’re going to accomplish into bite-sized pieces and complete in your (usually) 2-week sprint (or if you’re on Kanban, maybe... [Read More]
Tags: agile, stories

I hit a PyWal - Dammit, that hurt...

So playing with themes and colors on the CLI is fun, and when you run across an app like pywal that inspects a picture, and builds a theme around it, it sounds even better. [Read More]
Tags: osx, shell