Nuggets of Information
From the Quagmire of My Mind...

Just somewhere to dump pearls of wisdom (and sometimes other stuff) from a old, tired nerd that's been doing DevOps and related things for FAR to long :)

Building EKS Clusters with YAML - Yet another way of building clusters...

Building a Kubernetes cluster isn’t too complicated, but at the same time - why OVER-complicate the process. You need somewhere to run your container workloads on AWS, you’re beyond just firing up an EC2 instance and running Docker; and equally running an Elastic Container (ECS) solution is also not quite... [Read More]
Tags: aws, eks, kubernetes

Okay, we'll have to start this again...

Okay so I’m actually going to try and document things here, and work on pushing out some actual content. You can expect to be mostly technical, since I am a weenie for such things. [Read More]
Tags: start, general

Docker Medley - Docker, Docker Compose and Other Thoughts

So with containers, we usually start with Docker and work our way out from there. Today we’ll talk about Docker, Docker Registry, Docker Compose, Docker Services, Docker Machine, Docker Swarms. Then building on those tools and concepts and moving to AWS EC2, ECS and EKS (but that last one is... [Read More]
Tags: docker, docker-compose